Nova Scotia Security Guard License Practice Exam 2024 - Free Security Guard License Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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Upon an arrest of an individual a security guard or a citizen must

Take a cautioned statement

Handcuff the individual

Search the individual for weapons

Turn the individual over to the police

After an arrest, security guards or citizens are not authorized to take a cautioned statement from an individual, as that is typically done by law enforcement. Handcuffing an individual is also not the responsibility of a security guard or citizen, as it can be perceived as excessive force and should be left to the police to handle. Additionally, while it is important to ensure the safety of those involved, searching the individual for weapons should be done by the police to avoid any potential violations of the individual's rights. The appropriate action for a security guard or citizen upon an arrest is to turn the individual over to the police, who have the authority and training to properly handle the situation.


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